22nd FAA Astrology Conference

January 18 – 21, 2018

Conference Program

2018 FAA astrology conference logo

Melbourne, Australia

Transforming the Tradition
Towards an Intelligent Fusion of Past and Present


Thank you to everyone, delegates, speakers, committee members and volunteers for contributing to making the 22nd International FAA Astrology Conference such a great success.

We both hope that you have returned safely home from your Melbourne Experience at the conference and feel that you belong to an international network of astrology practitioners, students and enthusiasts across the globe.

Once again our appreciation and thanks for your support.

2018 FAA Astrology Conference Barb Thorp Brian Clark

Barbara Thorp and Brian Clark, Conference Conveners

barb thorp brian clark younger before astrology 384x206

Barbara Thorp and Brian Clark, Conference Conveners, BA (Before Astrology)

The Melbourne Experience: An Astrological Guide to the Wonders of Melbourne

FAA Conference Speakers

International speakers include Verena Bachmann from Switzerland, Wade Caves from the USA, Frank Clifford from the UK, Demetra George from the USA, Ryuji Kagami from Japan, Jupiter Lai from Hong Kong, Michael Lutin from the USA and Christof Niederwieser from Germany, alongside our top quality Australian astrologers, Jessica Adams, Jill Amery, Narelle Duncan, Michele Finey, Mari Garcia, Bob Hunter, Charles Jameson, Terry MacKinnell, Charyn McLean, (Sagari) Janet Menefy, Joanne Madeline Moore, Cindy Naunton, Christine Rothwell, Anne Shotter, Kira Sutherland and Ed Tamplin.

2018 FAA Astrology Conference Banquet

The Melbourne Experience: Dining and Dancing with the Stars

Saturday, January 20, 2018
The Arts Centre

Traditionally on Saturday evening of our conferences, the convenors try to highlight some of their city’s best features, as well as provide a venue for our delegates to enjoy each other’s company, renew friendships and make new ones. Saturday, January 20, 2018 will be one of these times: our Melbourne Experience at the Arts Centre with excellent food, company and fun will be memorable. Click here for more information.

arts centre melbourne 711x400

Promote the 2018 FAA Conference

Help promote the 2018 FAA Conference by placing a banner and/or button on your website and in your Newsletter.

Reflections on the FAA Conference Chart 2018

Roderick Kidston

the asteroid Australia, named for our country, is conjunct the Moon, too.
Well, it is an Australian Astrology conference after all…

for Roderick Kidston’s reflections on the opening chart, click here

from the Conference Convenors:

Roderick Kidston
January 18, 1961 – January 25, 2017

Roderick will be sadly missed at our conference, but will always be remembered for his generosity of spirit, brilliance of mind and warmth of heart.

2018 faa conference chart

Chart data: 18 January 2018 at 1.05pm AEDT, Melbourne, Australia
Placidus/True Node