2025 FAA Conference Speaker Frank Clifford

frank clifford

Frank has built an eclectic, 35-year career as the writer of a dozen books, a consultant astrologer and palmist, a publisher/editor, a researcher of birth data, and the Principal of the London School of Astrology. Frank has written for The Mountain Astrologer since 2008 and guest edited the magazine a number of times. In 2012, he was the youngest recipient of a lifetime honour from the Astrological Association for his contribution to astrology, and a writing award from ISAR and a Regulus Award (UAC) nomination have since followed.

Website: londonschoolofastrology.com


The Astrology of Lotteries, Gambling and Winning

Frank will look at the natal and forecasting patterns for those who have won life-changing amounts of money. He will also share his experiences on slot machines at casinos in London and Las Vegas (gambling using electional astrology) and share his insights into which areas of the chart relate most to gambling. And for those who fancy a flutter during the conference or afterwards, he’ll explore the best times to win.

Polarities: Follow or Wallow?

Very often we’ll meet someone who seems to epitomise the nature of the sign opposite their Sun or Moon placement. We encounter Virgo Suns swimming in the chaos of Pisces, we argue with Libra Moons who are far more confrontational and divisive than we might expect, and we quietly observe Taureans giving Scorpios a run for their money in the area of obsession. We can always learn from our polar opposites, but sometimes we can languish by adopting and attaching ourselves to the very worst of those signs.

Join Frank to learn more.

Uranus and Our Freedom of Expression: An Astrologer’s Role

With Uranus in Taurus, the Battle of the Doctrines has reached a stubborn stalemate. Dialogue has ground to a standstill and fear of cancellation has cowed many of us into silence. Uranus will begin its move into Gemini in July 2025, and as astrologers we have the chance to be at the forefront of the movement to bring back dialogue, to consider contrasting opinions and navigate the dichotomies of life.

Join Frank for a thought-provoking journey.

Post-Conference Workshop

Planetary Signatures and Planetary Strength

The key planetary players in our chart will show up in every aspect of our life – from our talents and skills to our relationship patterns and choices. But how do we best determine which planets in our chart are the most dominant? Today, Frank will share the observations and methods he’s developed during thirty years as a consultant astrologer, teacher and researcher. He’ll also share character/life profiles of each dominant planet. Bring along your charts and questions and we’ll have fun getting to the heart of your chart.