2025 FAA Conference Speaker Kira Sutherland

kira sutherland

Kira Sutherland is an award-winning Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Medical Astrologer from Sydney Australia. She divides her time between clients, writing and lecturing on health, wellbeing, and medical astrology.

Known for her vibrant, straight forward teaching style, Kira has lectured in Medical Astrology around the globe and has been in clinical practice for over 25 years. She combines her knowledge of Natural Medicine with her passion for Medical Astrology into a wonderful mix of mind/body medicine.

Website: astrologyofhealth.com
Instagram: instagram.com/astrologyofhealth
Facebook: facebook.com/astrologyofhealth


The Lunar Nodes and Medical Astrology

The lunar nodes have so much to teach us on many levels but have you considered how they affect IN this lecture Kira will cover the ins and outs of the natal lunar nodes and how they play a major role in our both our health and illness during our lives. How to do the transiting nodes add another flavor to the story and what we can do to support ourselves with simple steps to bring our health back into a harmonious state.

Astrological Days and Medical Astrology

Well known are the rulership’s of each day of the week in astrology but have you considered working with these to support your health and wellbeing? Join Naturopath and Medical Astrologer Kira Sutherland as she takes a deep dive into supporting your health via a weekly planetary pattern. She will explore what each day symbolises in the physical body and give remediation techniques to enhance your vitality and general health routine. If you are needing some motivation to get your health on track but make it a fun process this lecture is for you.

Outer Planets Transits and Your Health

Traditional medical astrology focuses on the planets up until Saturn but what of the outer planets and how do they also impact our health. In this lecture Kira will explore the illnesses and ailments as soon through the activation of the outer planets impact onto the natal chart. What does each planet symbolise and how can we best support ourselves during these transits.