2025 FAA Conference Speaker Babula Clement

Astrologer Babula Clement

Babula Clement has been a professional astrologer for over 30 years and has a busy client practice based in Brisbane. For many years she ran the Brisbane School of Astrology and has lectured at various Australian Astrology Conferences.

Life has taken her on many wild and wonderful journeys of deep transformation and her approach to astrology is to offer it to support self-knowledge, healing and awakening. Some of her favourite areas of astrological interest are Childhood and Family Astrology, Medical Astrology, Chiron, the Black Moon Lilith, the Asteroids and of course, the big life questions: ‘Who am I, Why Am I Here and Am I Living My True Purpose and Soul Blueprint?

Babula also loves to explore the big picture themes related to humanity’s shift from the Kali Yuga into the New Age of Aquarius. Are we poised to fully awaken from sleep and become fully fledged members of the Galactic Community?

Painting is her part-time passion.

BA, Dip Ed, FAA Practitioners Diploma, QFA Fellow, Cert Counselling From the Heart, Art of Allowing Facilitator.

Website: babulaclement.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/babula.clement


Bloodlines – Childhood and Family Lineage

How do we find the astrological threads of our family story through the generations? Understanding the key themes of the family system can support the healing of the patterns of trauma that travel down through the family line generation after generation. For example, there may be patterns related to sexual abuse, war, addiction, mental health, abandonment and so on. Family patterns also include the gifts of our ancestral lines and we can draw strength by acknowledging and celebrating these positive qualities. These strengths may include resilience, courage, creativity, a capacity to love and forgive or you may come from a long line of healers, astrologers, artists.

Riding the Shockwaves of Uranus: ‘shaken, not stirred’ or is it ‘shaken and stirred?

These could well be the mantras of the past few years as Uranus has been making his wild and seismic way through the stable ground of Taurus. Uranus transits to the Natal Chart bring great change. If those changes come as shocks, they can be very unwelcome, destabilising and alienating. But often Uranus upheavals are blessings in disguise, offering freedom from restraints, revelation, sudden awaking to higher realities, activation of higher visions and possibilities of liberation on many levels.

Uranus is also the planet of big collective waves of change and illumination for humanity. How do we ride these cosmic waves to create a new liberating reality for ourselves and for all of humanity?