2025 FAA Conference Speaker Michael Lutin

michael lutin

I read horoscopes for people, either face to face in my office, on skype, or Facetime, or I will travel to their city if they cannot get to New York.

I organize lectures, classes, workshops and retreats, anywhere in the world from 5th Avenue New York to Australia and back. I am always open to travel if the people wherever need what I have to offer. Of course all of that while I am trying to find time to write my books “Humans Rising” and “The Art and Magic of Astrological Interpretation.”

I believe that deep down all people have a core of brilliant, shining, thrilling, blissful health, natural instinct and confidence. Around that core is all too often found a crust of defense and doubt, formed over the years from misinformation, poor communication and understanding of events, family dynamics, school, Church, government and media bombardment.

I believe my job is to help people break through that crust of defense and doubt to liberate their shining core and restore confidence in their own natural, healthy instincts to follow their own fulfilling path.

Through astrology I help people see what’s really happening, help them do best what they love to do and make them laugh while they do it.

Website: michaellutin.com
Facebook: facebook.com/michaellutin
X: twitter.com/mikeylutin
YouTube: youtube.com/michaellutinny

Pre-Conference Workshop

Back from the Future

Where is the World going? Michael brings us his knowledge and experience in forecasting to help us look into your future and the futures of those you love.

In this practical full-day interactive workshop, Michael reveals secrets of our times and his favorite techniques: Secondary Progressions, Primary Arcs, Transits plus the magic of astrological recurrences of past experiences and how they affect your behavior in the present and future.

We are facing a time of great uncertainty NOW with Pluto entering the sign Aquarius. One of the things about Aquarius is that you can’t predict anything. So, it is not a question of helping people face it, it is helping them to face the uncertainty and to be more spontaneous.

The structure that guided Capricorn’s transit is gone. The lack of structure going forward is one of our sources of anxiety and must become the source of our strength. There is nothing written out like it was with Pluto in Capricorn. And there is no recipe for it. It is your challenge to show creativity and spontaneity and lead with your heart.

This is a live only event. Be there. Don’t miss out!


Pluto, Human and Machine: The Intimate Story of Complete Transformation. Back from the Edge.

It may sound silly, it may sound petty, it may sound not real, but we’ve all had the experience of trying to install something and being driven mad by it until we leave it alone. When all factors are considered, you must include the human/machine relationship in machine work. It’s not clear and it’s a very mysterious element. Some people call it patience. It’s a funny word. This approach also works with children.

This talk offers an opportunity to confront the Human Machine Myth. It’s something people don’t think about, and don’t admit exists. The whole thing was never and is never discussed.

Whenever human and machine tango there are bound to be moments when they are not in synch. We’ve all been there, installing something or working with machines. It requires that the human factor be present. If you get rid of the human factor in a situation like that, you’re never going to finish the job. The human factor is necessary.

It’s often not considered because it sounds too kookie to have a mystery element in the machine. And we’ve all been there. And so, you must acknowledge that whenever humans and machines work together, you must consider the machine is also about to be disturbed by the human presence. That’s the transition of Pluto.

Is there any kind of interaction between human and machine that could show opposition or stubbornness or somehow that there is a non-human yet intelligent factor at play? And if you are hip to it and recognize that there is a consciousness in the machine, you can relax the tension.

The consciousness in the machine is non-human but it seems sometimes to be giving you the finger. There is an element at play that you can’t call human and you can’t call machine.

I think this needs to be included in the theory. If you can do this, you will help your projects to move forward. Where is the human in the machine? That’s part of the transformation that is rarely talked about.

Eris: Justice, Aggression, Vengeance, and Montezuma’s Revenge

Picture a person completely bandaged up in the hospital with head bandage and IV. The caption below the photo reads: “Yeah, but you should see the other guy!”.

There is a conscious intelligence inherent in every planet based on its orbital relationship with the Sun. In this talk, we discuss potential manifestations of Eris: “The Goddess of Discord”.

We look at the strength of Eris in the charts of Heavy Weight Boxing Champions such as Muhammad Ali, George Forman, Mike Tyson, and Floyd Patterson.
What makes people aggressors? What is vengeance? Somebody does you wrong, how do you retaliate? Do you punish them? Does violence ever solve a problem? Defending violence must lead you to realize that peace is the only way.

People know that the only way to save humanity is through love, kindness, and forgiveness. But where is it now? Revenge seems to be more in vogue than love and kindness. Why is that? Why have differences taken over the world?

Why did the Aztecs disappear when Montezuma died? They had a fantastic culture. We hear stories that they were mean and cruel, but they had temples and beautiful artwork. And when Montezuma II died, they disappeared into the woodwork, and nobody knew where they went.

I believe they scattered to what became Mexico City and from there they migrated to some parts of Texas and throughout South America. In terms of the blood ratio, Aztec blood is still flowing for them in South America.

Eris takes 559 years to go round the zodiac. One Eris year equals 559 Earth years.

Transiting Eris is gradually approaching the point where it was on 13th August 1521, 1o Taurus 04, the day the Aztec Empire collapsed. The Aztecs are having an Eris return, and I believe they are going to resurface. I believe there will be a reawakening of Aztec culture and a movement to honour Aztecs alive. We are completing a cycle and that’s why I think we will hear from them.

Chiron The Miracle: Sometimes it Takes a Lifetime of Faith to Understand

You’re too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short. When people are young, such epithets are very common because people are very sensitive to criticism and rejection. That’s what Chiron does in the horoscope. It makes you super sensitive to criticism. It’s very easy to withdraw from the group, sulk, or feel inferior. The feeling of loneliness and inferiority is not just about youthful teenage rejection, it’s also a function of being able to integrate into society.

We often blame our problems on race or ethnicity but really, they’re intrinsic to all parts of growing up, especially sensitivity to the group and the group’s ability to make you feel wanted or unwanted. Some people live their whole life that way in alienation from the group. Other people have a much easier time to integrate.

Everybody has a Chiron somewhere and when you have it in a place that’s obvious it’s harder to integrate when you’re youthful and when you get older you can’t believe you felt that way about yourself. It’s often the return of Chiron which takes about 50 years, that is a very high point in your life when you stop caring what people think and caring about being adopted by the collective.

Chiron teaches something that everybody must learn, and that is humility. Everybody’s got a Chiron, everybody is very sensitive to being insulted or rejected. So, we must realize that Chiron plays out in our socio-economic life, in our religious life, and in every other aspect of our personal connection with the group.

Chiron will always, always, always make you feel different from other people. And those feelings that make you different are the strengths you have that surface when you get older. That’s why people who have Chiron have a tough time in their youth but as they get older, they get a sense of being a teacher in the very subjects they were ashamed about.

So, hang in there and you’ll eventually surprise yourself when you discover you are much more attractive than you thought you were.