Membership of a member association is conditional upon adherence to the following code of ethics:


Members of member associations should endeavour to promote the expansion of astrological knowledge by ensuring, when appropriate, that the general public is accurately informed about astrological practices. The FAA and its member associations should discourage claims and attempts by unqualified persons to provide astrological services to the public.


The integrity of the profession of Astrology must be preserved and members of member associations, when acting in their professional capacity, are expected to behave in a manner that enhances and does not damage the status of the profession. Member associations may ask the National Council to assess the professional behaviour of members in this regard when called into question.


A member of a member association will first and foremost consider the well-being of the client, endeavouring to enhance the client’s understanding of his/her chart in a helpful, constructive manner, and placing the welfare of the client above the member’s self interest.


A member of a member association will take into account the reliability of the birth data, informing the client, if necessary, of interpretative limitations as a result of possibly inaccurate birth data. When a chart is rectified, the client must be informed and the rectification done by a recognised astrological method. The above requirements being satisfied, members will ensure the greatest possible accuracy in the erection of all astrological charts. The fact that a chart is computer generated will not obviate the responsibility to ensure accuracy. All astrological reports, oral or written, should be directly concerned with the astrological charts under consideration and should be expressed as simply and unequivocally as possible with due regard for the state of the client.


All astrological consultations shall be considered confidential, unless this confidentiality physically endangers another person or is in breach of any law. A member of a member association must not convey confidential communications from other astrologers to a client without permission from the authors of such communication. Confidential material about clients, which might lead to their identification, must not be published without their permission. Nothing in this clause will prohibit a member of a member association seeking advice or a second opinion from another professional astrologer who is also a member of a member association.


When commissioned to do predictive work, a member of a member association will ensure that the client is aware of the distinction between the astrological event, which can be calculated precisely and its interpretation, which depends on the judgement of the individual Astrologer. No member of a member association will claim to be infallible in the prediction of particular events using astrology or to be a fortune- teller.


Members of a member association should endeavour to respect, and help where appropriate, fellow members of all member associations in their pursuit of astrological knowledge, without bias in terms of divisions of astrology. If a member forms the opinion that a fellow member is behaving unethically and/or unprofessionally, s/he must first approach the member in a helpful way. If this proves to be ineffective, the member must (a) warn the fellow member of his/her intention to report the matter to the FAA member association committee and (b) should it become necessary, proceed with that action. The committee of the member association must proceed to determine whether there has been a breach of the Code of Ethics and to impose penalties in accordance with the Constitution.


All members must uphold the integrity of the FAA and its member associations by striving for the highest possible standards of astrological expertise and professional behaviour when representing the FAA or a member association. No person shall represent the FAA unless approved by the National Council of the Executive Committee. No person shall represent a member association unless approved by the committee of that association.