2016 FAA Conference Workshops

Pre-Conference Workshops: Thursday 21st January 2016
Post-Conference Workshops: Monday 25th January 2016

The 2016 FAA Conference Workshops will run all day so you can only choose one Pre-Conference Workshop and one Post-Conference Workshop.

Pre-Conference Workshops

Frank Clifford Conference Workshop

Frank Clifford

Articulating the Horoscope (Natal and Forecasting Work)

Thursday 21st January
9:45am to 4:15pm
Athena Room

This seminar is suitable for those at any level (from student to pro), and will be useful for anyone who wants to practise and develop confidence articulating astrological placements.

Clients come with different needs and different ways of viewing the world, so we as ‘astrological translators’ must be versatile enough to speak their language and recognise how they will interpret what we say. In this new workshop, we’ll move from locating important components of a chart (e.g. key natal aspects or transits/directions) … to working out their meanings … to then describing these to a client. In particular, we’ll practise ways of articulating the horoscope with compassion and wisdom, so that our work may be constructive, meaningful and insightful.

This new seminar combines the important processes of Mercury (spotting, interpreting and articulating astrological symbols) and Jupiter (exploring meaning and, with the client, discovering the narrative that has formed as a result of these patterns).

Along with case studies and working with each other’s examples, we’ll study the chart of a special mystery guest, whom we’ll later meet and hear ‘speak their chart’.

Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key

Thursday 21st January
9:45am to 4:15pm
Aphrodite Room

Every astrologer should know how to find temperament in the birth chart! Based on the research in her book, in this workshop Dorian will explain exactly what temperament is and how it’s different from personality. She’ll take you through a brief history of temperament and the qualities of hot, cold, wet and dry, and how they fit in with the elements. How is your temperament reflected in your birth chart? Dorian will talk about temperament’s historical connections with astrology — and, most importantly, show you how to do it yourself. She will look at temperament in the charts of famous people and not-so-famous people – including you, perhaps? You’ll leave knowing one of the most important tools used by our astrological ancestors, brought up to date for the 21st century. (If you’d like to be possibly included as an example, send Dorian your birth info in advance of the workshop to astrology@aurumtel.com)

Michael Lutin Conference Workshop

Michael Lutin

Michael Lutin’s Secrets Revealed (Well, most of them)

Thursday 21st January
9:30am to 4:00pm
Hera Room

A wholly interactive seminar designed for lovers and students of astrology and fellow astrologers interested in learning exactly how Michael does what he does. Foolproof predictive techniques using often overlooked natal positions and time cycles, early and karmic conditioning and Michael’s methods of probing deeply into every chart, will help you see what’s really happening, how to do best what you want to do and laugh while you’re doing it. An intimate day welcoming all your questions of delineation, ethics, interaction, and matters of the impact of astrology on personal financial prosperity.

Post-Conference Workshops

Lynn Bell

Lynn Bell

Dreaming New Life: Working with Saturn and Neptune

Monday 25th January
9:30am to 4:00pm
Aphrodite Room

When great changes come into our lives it is often because a part of our psyche has become overgrown. It has taken up all our attention and energy, while other aspects of self are languishing As much as we might love what we have and wish to keep it, it may be time to let something else emerge. Without a shift of resources there can be a general impoverishment. As Saturn in fiery Sagittarius squares Neptune, it may weaken structures which have grown outworn. It can also bring the energy for incarnating dreams, for bringing the impossible into being. Neptune is a planet of oceanic consciousness of creative imagination. Often its energy lies outside the grasp of the conscious mind, but comes to us in dreams or via our creative voice. We may be asked to let go of something so that the world can light up again. We will explore the houses and aspects activated by these two powerful planets.

Ben Dykes Conference Workshop

Ben Dykes

Prediction using Distributions through the Bounds/Terms

Monday 25th January
9:30am to 4:00pm
Persephone Room

Many predictive techniques focus on identifying events on particular days or weeks. But many older methods used “time lords,” planets or places in the chart which identify periods of over a year or more, in which longer trends take place. In this workshop, Ben Dykes will teach an ancient and powerful time-lord technique, called “distributions” (similar to primary directions). Every sign is traditionally divided into five unequal parts called “bounds” or “terms” or “limits,” each ruled by a single planet. As we direct the Ascendant around the chart and to the aspects of other planets, it will pass through the bounds and pick up the meanings of the aspecting planets for certain numbers of years. During these periods, the nature and natal condition of the distributor will describe the main themes of life. In this way, we are dividing the life up into chapters, much like a biography, with each planet describing the themes of that chapter. If there is time, we will see similar applications of this technique in solar revolution charts.

Mark Jones Conference Workshop

Mark Jones

The Astrology of Self-Actualisation

Monday 25th January
9:30am to 4:00pm
Athena Room

This workshop will explore a vision of astrology that began in the ancient world and was brought into a modern technical form by Dane Rudhyar, simultaneously with the maturation of depth psychology, in the middle of the Twentieth Century. This vision is that astrology can speak to us directly the story of soul, or true self.

This workshop will explore how astrology, as a language of soul, can reveal the intentions of the true self. How the birth chart is a direct expression of the multi-dimensional Self and how understanding it from this vantage point can offer us a living transformational tool that can help us achieve our deepest possible self-expression.

This workshop will explore both technical and metaphysical issues in which the Outer Planets will be seen as expressions of the deep self, with the inner planets and nodes of the Moon as symbolic of the evolution of the personal self with Jupiter and Saturn as the bridge between the personal and transpersonal self.

This understanding, both technically simple, but meaning rich, can serve as a foundation for the ability to explore the natal chart as the blueprint for evolution, as the map of soul, of every individual. The workshop will include many examples from Mark’s considerable client base.

Pre Conference Workshops Schedule

Registration Desk Open 8:30 am to 10:00am

Hera Room

9:30am to 4:00pm

Michael Lutin’s Secrets Revealed

Michael Lutin

Morning tea
10:45am to 11:15am

12:30pm to 1:15pm

Afternoon Tea
2:15pm to 2:45pm

Finish 4:00pm

Aphrodite Room

9:45am to 4:15pm

Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key

Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

Morning tea
11:00am to 11:30am

12:45pm to 1:30pm

Afternoon Tea
2:30pm to 3:00pm

Finish 4:15pm

Athena Room

9:45am to 4:15pm

Articulating the Horoscope

Frank Clifford

Morning tea
11:00am to 11:30am

12:45pm to 1:30pm

Afternoon Tea
2:30pm to 3:00pm

Finish 4:15 pm

Registration Desk Open 2:00pm to 5:00pm

5:30pm – Michael Lutin – Keynote Address

The Humans are Rising – Astrology in a Time of Existential Evolution

Post Conference Workshops Schedule

Persephone Room

9:30am to 4:00pm

Prediction using Distributions through the Bounds/Terms

Ben Dykes

Morning tea
10:45am to 11:15am

12:30pm to 1:15pm

Afternoon Tea
2:15pm to 2:45pm

Finish 4:00pm

Aphrodite Room

9:30am to 4:00 pm

Dreaming New Life:
Working with Saturn and Neptune

Lynn Bell

Morning tea
10:45am to 11:15am

12:30pm to 1:15pm

Afternoon Tea
2:15pm to 2:45pm

Finish 4:00pm

Athena Room

9:30 am to 4:00pm

The Astrology of

Mark Jones

Morning tea
10:45am to 11:15am

12:30pm to 1:15pm

Afternoon Tea
2:15pm to 2:45pm

Finish 4:00pm