Clementine Adkins

Clementine Adkins


The Moon in Evolutionary Astrology

Jeffrey Wolf Green says the moon is the filter through which we view life. Are we always objective about our interactions with the outer world or do we allow our lunar interpretations to decide how we engage with others and the world around us. Clementine has a particular passion about the moon and its role in our everyday life and hopes you too will come to appreciate your moon and its influence in your decision making.

Why can’t Aries be fixed?

This is a pet little “hate” for this lecturer – the need to fit planets and signs into neat little boxes. The concept of going around the chart and nominating the first sign as cardinal, the second sign as fixed, the third sign as mutable and so on disallows the fullness of each sign’s expression. In this lecture we will look at the twelve signs and present the case that indeed every sign is a combination of cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Lynn Bell

Lynn Bell

Workshop and Lecture

Post Conference Workshop: Dreaming New Life: Working with Saturn and Neptune

When great changes come into our lives it is often because a part of our psyche has become overgrown. It has taken up all our attention and energy, while other aspects of self are languishing As much as we might love what we have and wish to keep it, it may be time to let something else emerge. Without a shift of resources there can be a general impoverishment. As Saturn in fiery Sagittarius squares Neptune, it may weaken structures which have grown outworn. It can also bring the energy for incarnating dreams, for bringing the impossible into being. Neptune is a planet of oceanic consciousness of creative imagination. Often its energy lies outside the grasp of the conscious mind, but comes to us in dreams or via our creative voice. We may be asked to let go of something so that the world can light up again. We will explore the houses and aspects activated by these two powerful planets.

Turning Lead into Gold: Planets in Detriment and Fall

Planets in detriment and fall take us on a journey which is often in direct contradiction to their nature. In Cancer, Mars learns to be soft, while in Capricorn, the Moon becomes hard while Saturn in Leo must bring lead to gold, while Jupiter is humbled in Virgo. They lead us onto paths that are often out of the ordinary, and if we can handle them, give unusual rewards once we have dealt with their initial discomfort.

Border Crossings – the 8th House

The 8th house describes the many border crossings of our lives, from sexual initiation, to the passage between life and death. As the entrance to the underworld in Hellenistic astrology, it plunges us into the unknown, and offers an initiation. Depression and guilt may often be symptoms of being ‘stuck’ here. How best to complete the metamorphoses required by transits or natal planets in this house?

Shooting in the Dark: Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius begs the question of belief. In a world shaken by the seven squares of Uranus and Pluto, Saturn asks us to wheel around and take aim at something we believe in. For some of us, the fire blazes, for others it sputters like a guttering candle. Are we going in the right direction? Do we have confidence in the future? As part of the process, Saturn conjures up doubt in a sign that pushes us to seek for meaning. It can create large holes in what once seemed solidly built. The old explanations are undermined by the evidence that much of what we were told to be good and true is no longer working. Saturn is approaching the square to Neptune, destabilizing our old certainties. As old forms weaken, new visions rise to take their place.

In a world that no longer makes sense it is tempting to seize on absolutes. When that happens, Saturn in Sagittarius intensifies the rigidity of the true believer, a hardening of boundaries and beliefs. It wakes up conquerors, spiritual leaders and mystics, and can push us towards new crusades. How do the transits of Saturn in this sign affect us individually, especially as it begins to square Neptune?

Peter Burns

Peter Burns


The Soul in Astrology

Essential to our astrological understanding of our place in the world is the role of the soul. In previous eras there was widespread acceptance of the spiritual dimension in the Western world. It was in this setting that astrology as we have come to understand it was born and nurtured. The existence of the soul was assumed by astrologers and greatly influenced their interpretation of the horoscope. In our more secular environment these assumptions are not always fully understood or appreciated. What are the basic assumptions implicit in this spiritual viewpoint that influenced astrological interpretation? How did these beliefs shape the way questions were asked? What techniques were developed as a result of this perspective? And where in the horoscope do we find the soul? These and associated questions will be explored in this fascinating lecture.

Rod Chang

Rod Chang


Chiron the Outsider: Chiron’s images through minority groups and social movements

In mythology, Chiron is a god with a centaur’s form, half human and half horse. He was the teacher of most of the Greek heroes including Jason, Hercules and Achilles. Astrologers usually see it related to wounds and healing, as Chiron usually carries an image of the outsider I would like to examine Chiron’s influence on minority group’s social movement: how a group of people get wounded by discrimination and how minority groups protest and protect their own rights.

Spin Around – the Galactic Centre

The Galactic Centre is located at 27 degree of Sagittarius in recent years. Astronomers point out that, observing from our mother Earth, there are numerous galaxies gathered in that region intensively, and these galaxies and the stars are scattered around this centre. Also, from its magnitude, this region is evaluated as the focal point of an unexpectedly enormous amount of energy, suggesting that the Galactic Centre is a gigantic black hole.In this talk Rod will discuss how our society reacts when outer planets conjunct with the Galactic Centre and how we are influenced by those people who personal planet conjuncts the Galactic centre.

Gregory Clare

Gregory Clare


Terrestrial Domiciles (Houses) – Our unique personal connection

Houses from a contemporary viewpoint associate Aries with the 1st concept, and there are many varied ways to divide the circle which can be confusing! The original model contained a specific detailed set of rules, laws which were based on whole signs and rulerships allotted by dignity. This also included knowing whether the activities were directed inward towards the individual or externally directed towards the mundane.

Brian Clark

Brian Clark


Eternal Moments: Time and the Unconscious

Along with place, time is the other great metaphor for astrologers. However at times we measure and map out time as if it existed like physical objects do. Time is cerebrally constructed and for us human beings, time is mainly sensed through change. We are acutely aware of time because of ageing and our ability for episodic recall, remembering past events. In this lecture we will consider time and the unconscious and its impact on transits and transitions.

Illness and Soul: Symptoms as voices of the unconscious

Psychosomatic suggests the amalgam of body and soul. Astrology’s sign language is highly compatible with linking the soulful nature of the unconscious with physical body ailments. Astrological symbols and signatures are exceptionally helpful and revealing about bodily complaints, illness and disease and offer a meaningful connection between symptom and the soul. We will explore the compatibility between reading symptoms and reading the horoscope as well as how we might honour the images of our illnesses.

Frank Clifford

Frank Clifford

Workshop and Lectures

Pre-Conference Workshop: Articulating the Horoscope (Natal and Forecasting Work)

This seminar is suitable for those at any level (from student to pro), and will be useful for anyone who wants to practise and develop confidence articulating astrological placements.Clients come with different needs and different ways of viewing the world, so we as ‘astrological translators’ must be versatile enough to speak their language and recognise how they will interpret what we say. In this new workshop, we’ll move from locating important components of a chart (e.g. key natal aspects or transits/directions) … to working out their meanings … to then describing these to a client. In particular, we’ll practise ways of articulating the horoscope with compassion and wisdom, so that our work may be constructive, meaningful and insightful.This new seminar combines the important processes of Mercury (spotting, interpreting and articulating astrological symbols) and Jupiter (exploring meaning and, with the client, discovering the narrative that has formed as a result of these patterns).Along with case studies and working with each other’s examples, we’ll study the chart of a special mystery guest, whom we’ll later meet and hear ‘speak their chart’.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Locational Astrology … But Were in the Wrong Place to Find Out

Clients know that astrologers can offer insights into ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘when’, but most don’t realise we have tools that reveal the ‘where’: the best areas in the world for particular endeavours. These tools are vital for every consulting astrologer to have at our disposal. In this talk, Frank will show how to use astrocartography and locational astrology (including astro feng shui for our home) and what happens when lines are triggered by transits/progressions. Come along to learn new tools or add new insights to your astrological work and consultancy.

The Power Degrees of the Zodiac

The first (0°) and final (29°) degrees that bookend each of the signs carry specific and potent messages, whether in the natal horoscope or directed/progressed chart. While the planet/angle at 0° is in the process of anticipating, envisioning and embarking upon its journey, the planet/angle at 29° is a seasoned player skilled in that sign and ready to encounter a final challenge. In this talk, Frank will present a range of horoscopes, supported by quotes and biography, to demonstrate the spectrum across these highly charged degrees.

Solar Arc Directions: Going Further

Solar Arcs are among the most powerful and reliable of astrological measurements – it’s extremely useful to have these in your forecasting toolkit. In this talk, Frank will begin by introducing the five Solar Arc considerations that’ll help you pinpoint landmark periods in your lives. Then he’ll work with the audience to spot, define and articulate a range of new examples that will (hopefully!) amaze everyone with their simplicity and accuracy.

Gary Curci

Gary Curci


Neptune – The Generational Effects as it passes through the Zodiac

Neptune- the planet of belief, faith, imagination, dreams, inspiration, the collective and personal unconscious which slowly passes through each of the zodiacal signs on its orbit around the Sun. What has happened in the past as this generational planet takes us through the signs of the Zodiac? What have we experienced in past transits and what can we expect in the future?

Looking at history in depth, with supporting charts, the events may surprise you, as will some of the “repercussions” when Neptune makes its return transit to each of the zodiacal constellations!

Karen Darby

Karen Darby


Poison, Passion and Pantheism – A Personal Journey from the Mundane to the Divine

The Quest for Love in the life and writing of 20th century women writers will provide the vehicle for a focus on the way that astrological influences, particularly the transits and progressions of the outer planets, Saturn Uranus and Neptune, permeate and are expressed through words and photographs. Some perspectives from the Vedic system will be included in the presentation.

Narelle Duncan

Narelle Duncan


Tell Me When – Electional Astrology

Before launching into any important event astrologers have a valuable tool at their fingertips to discern whether the launch day is auspicious. Choosing the day and time to initiate a milestone occasion reflects the characteristic energy and continuing theme for the life of the event. Consider saying your marriage vows when venus squares mars or opening a business while mercury is retrograde. And what if you’re buying or selling a house, the moon placement can be vital for a good outcome. As is knowing whether to have surgery on a new or full moon! To reduce limitations, enhance synchronicity and promote the success of any event we use Electional Astrology. This lecture is a “how to” session presenting modern astrological guidelines, real life examples and practical application that you can quickly and simply apply to predict the best time to launch any event.

Show Me The Money – Natal Astrology

Why is it that some people seem to draw money to them whilst others struggle to make a dollar? More importantly, what in the natal chart reflects the ability to make money, how much can be made and how to tap into it? Planets in signs, aspects and key houses can indicate a natural talent towards monetary and financial success. This lecture is a “how to” session presenting modern astrological techniques for identifying money making indicators in the natal chart including the potential for money through inheritance, natural talents and performance or winning by chance! After this lecture you’ll know whether it’s worthwhile buying those lottery tickets! So bring along your natal charts to discover where your money making ability and potential resides.

Dr. Benjamin Dykes

Dr. Benjamin Dykes

Workshop and Lectures

Post Conference Workshop: Prediction using Distributions through the Bounds/Terms

Many predictive techniques focus on identifying events on particular days or weeks. But many older methods used “time lords,” planets or places in the chart which identify periods of over a year or more, in which longer trends take place. In this workshop, Ben Dykes will teach an ancient and powerful time-lord technique, called “distributions” (similar to primary directions). Every sign is traditionally divided into five unequal parts called “bounds” or “terms” or “limits,” each ruled by a single planet. As we direct the Ascendant around the chart and to the aspects of other planets, it will pass through the bounds and pick up the meanings of the aspecting planets for certain numbers of years. During these periods, the nature and natal condition of the distributor will describe the main themes of life. In this way, we are dividing the life up into chapters, much like a biography, with each planet describing the themes of that chapter. If there is time, we will see similar applications of this technique in solar revolution charts.

Primary directions without tears

Since antiquity, primary directions (not to be confused with progressions or solar arcs) have been considered powerful predictive tools. But it is easy to be put off by complicated equations and conflicting terminology. In this session, we will learn how to calculate basic primary directions in the classical (Ptolemaic-medieval, Placidean) way, with hardly any math except for basic division and multiplication. The focus will be on concepts and using animated charts to do most of the work for us. We will also learn the basics of interpreting directions using example natal charts.

Traditional Mundane Astrology

Traditional mundane astrologers interpreted eclipses and weather indications (much of which was inherited from Ptolemy), but also divided history into larger and smaller periods using Saturn-Jupiter and Saturn-Mars conjunctions, along with mundane profections and other time lords. In this talk, we will review some of the key Ptolemaic inheritance, but will then focus on understanding ingress charts, conjunctional theory, and other methods, to see what use we can make of these techniques today.

Special Planetary Configurations in Traditional Astrology

In this talk we will learn some common and very useful natal configurations which were well-known and discussed by traditional astrologers but are relatively unknown today. With numerous chart illustrations (including attendee’s knowledge of their own charts), we will look at aversion, overcoming, perhaps spearbearing, and notable examples of bonification and maltreatment (which can indicate surprising highs and lows in life, or public attention).

Alison Feiner

Alison Feiner


Financial Astrology: Interpreting First Trade Charts

As any astrologer who has tried to trade the stock market using first trade charts will tell you, it is one thing to know how to use the basic principles of astrology, and it is another to know how analyse a company’s first trade horoscope and interpret transits to it within the context of a price chart. A horoscope drawn up for the moment the first trade is placed shows the basic nature, strengths and weaknesses of the trading entity. In this lecture Alison Feiner will show how to find the information needed to set up a first trade chart, describe how to interpret a first trade chart, talk about how planetary transits are reflected in price chart movements, and present the benefit of her seven years’ experience as a financial astrologer. (This lecture will not provide financial advice)

Mari Garcia

Mari Garcia


Love and Marriage

Though marriage has ancient roots, until recently love had very little to do with it. Marriage originally was not about the relationship between two people but a way of getting in-laws, of making alliances and expanding the family wealth and influence. Love, on the other hand became the basis for unions only about 100 years ago. Today, everyone yearns for what we have been assured is a must: love and its attendant glory. For some, love is easy while others struggle to find it, let alone pursue significant relationships. This lecture explores the astrological indicators of love and marriage in a natal chart.

The 4th House: Father, Family & Fortune

As one of the pillars of the horoscope the fourth house represents the base of the nativity and its foundation. It provides information about Father, family and fortune. What are the person’s origins? What is family life like? And what impact do these have? The effects of family, father and fortune, or its lack can influence a person and their capacity to have a successful life. This lecture will explore the history and significance of the fourth house and how to find and delineate these indicators.

Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

Workshop and Lectures

Pre Conference Workshop: Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key

Every astrologer should know how to find temperament in the birth chart! Based on the research in her book, in this workshop Dorian will explain exactly what temperament is and how it’s different from personality. She’ll take you through a brief history of temperament and the qualities of hot, cold, wet and dry, and how they fit in with the elements. How is your temperament reflected in your birth chart? Dorian will talk about temperament’s historical connections with astrology — and, most importantly, show you how to do it yourself. She will look at temperament in the charts of famous people and not-so-famous people – including you, perhaps? You’ll leave knowing one of the most important tools used by our astrological ancestors, brought up to date for the 21st century. (If you’d like to be possibly included as an example, send Dorian your birth info in advance of the workshop to

Finding our Roots: A History of Hellenistic Astrology

Many of you probably know a little bit about the history of western astrology, and there are now a number of books out there that talk about that history. But there’s nothing like being ‘up close and personal’ with this material – where you can listen and see exactly what was going on in the ancient Mediterranean area when astrology was developing. You may hear some things you already know, but I hope to introduce you to some you don’t, including evidence of how ancient astrologers thought about their practice of astrology that may surprise you.

Profections: An Ancient Predictive Technique

In modern astrology the main predictive systems are transits, secondary progressions and solar returns. But Hellenistic astrologers used a different, but equally informative, predictive technique called ‘profections’. Simply put, you advance a planet or point in the chart one sign per year, and interpret the year based on those advancements. A nice benefit of learning profections is that they marry extremely well with the solar return that you already know.

Endowment and Chance: The Lots of Daimon and Fortune

In Hellenistic astrology lots play an important role, and the two most important lots in the ancient astrologer’s bag of techniques were the Lots of Fortune and Daimon (a.k.a. ‘Spirit’). Formed from the arc between the Sun and Moon, these lots can tell us about both our bodily fortune, as beings incarnated on earth, and about our minds, intentions and character. Modern astrologers may know about the Lot of Fortune (a.k.a. the Part of Fortune), but the Lot of Daimon seems to have gone underground (Arabic astrologers called it the ‘Lot of the Absent’ or ‘Hidden’). This talk will explain their history and practice in the Hellenistic world, and in modern charts.

Sara Gilbert

Sara Gilbert


Bringing the Stars Down to Earth

What is it about the stars? We are all held spellbound, when we lie on our back and gaze up at them shining in the firmament. They fascinate and intrigue us. As a symbol, the star would have to be the most commonly used and recognized by the world at large, we even use the word to describe people who shine in all fields of life. This talk delves into the origin of the star symbol, through many traditions such as magic, tarot and kabbalah. It determines the role played by early mythical archetypes associated with the stars and the night sky, such as Nyx, Nut, Ouranos, Asteria, Astraea and Urania. It examines how they are working in the charts of individuals from the creative arts, who have been associated with the stars, or used them for their inspiration. This includes rock icon David “Starman” Bowie, Vincent van Gogh who painted “Starry Starry” Night, Don Mclean who sang about him and the poet who developed “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. Most importantly it demonstrates the relationship between the archetypes, their asteroids, and star “gift markings” in certain hand positions, long given relevance to archetypal energy through tradition in palmistry.

Dr Neil Hair

Dr Neil Hair


Distinguishing the Vertex and Nodal Axes: Mundane Astrology provides “past life” Evidence

The Vertex and South Node are commonly viewed as indicators of “past life” influence and unresolved conditions in the birth chart. While this view is suggested strongly by apparently “fated” life patterns, it cannot be validated from personal evidence, simply because we can’t know with certainty who we were before! Verifiable mundane “past life” evidence, however, does exist for nations and provides a means of distinguishing features of these invaluable axes, which are translatable to personal charts. In 2015, Australia’s federation chart experiences an unusual sequence of transits by Saturn applying to both Nodal and Vertex Axes in quick succession, in the same sign and house, making a forensic examination possible. Other nations will also be reviewed relative to their “past life” history.

Marilyn Hillier

Marilyn Hillier


The Three Spheres of Consciousness

This technique can help you to simplify the 3 states of consciousness, body spirit, and soul. Saturn the Parent – Sun the Adult – Moon the child. These 3 spheres reveal a focused picture of the positive and negative polarities with in your personality. Using 6 major aspects conjunctions, sextiles, trine, square, opposition and inconjuncts you will see at a glance which sphere is carrying the heaviest load. The combinations of this 3 ring graphic can be used for relationships/ family dynamics /people you work with understanding the games people play.

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Workshops and Lectures

Post Conference Workshop: The Astrology of Self-Actualisation

This workshop will explore a vision of astrology that began in the ancient world and was brought into a modern technical form by Dane Rudhyar, simultaneously with the maturation of depth psychology, in the middle of the Twentieth Century. This vision is that astrology can speak to us directly the story of soul, or true self.This workshop will explore how astrology, as a language of soul, can reveal the intentions of the true self. How the birth chart is a direct expression of the multi-dimensional Self and how understanding it from this vantage point can offer us a living transformational tool that can help us achieve our deepest possible self-expression.This workshop will explore both technical and metaphysical issues in which the Outer Planets will be seen as expressions of the deep self, with the inner planets and nodes of the Moon as symbolic of the evolution of the personal self with Jupiter and Saturn as the bridge between the personal and transpersonal self.This understanding, both technically simple, but meaning rich, can serve as a foundation for the ability to explore the natal chart as the blueprint for evolution, as the map of soul, of every individual. The workshop will include many examples from Mark’s considerable client base.

Counselling Skills for Astrologers

This talk will explore what is actually involved in preparing and giving a natal chart reading. It will take as its starting point the client’s intention in seeking a reading, and how enquiring into what they need is a key to serving that person. The required therapeutic orientation and counselling skills will be explained in depth. The talk will focus on how to achieve the greatest possible transformation from the natal chart reading and the common defences or pitfalls that reduce the chances of such a breakthrough.Though the example charts, taken from Mark’s work as an astrologer and psychotherapist, we will follow the method detailed in Healing the Soul: Pluto, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes. The technical and counselling information will be presented in such a way as to be useful to astrologers from a multiplicity of backgrounds or approaches. This approach is explained fully in Mark’s second book, The Soul Speaks: the Therapeutic Potential of Astrology.

How to Identify and Heal Trauma Using Astrology

Part 1 – How to Identify Trauma SignaturesIn this talk a new perspective on the planet Uranus and the archetype of Aquarius will be explored as symbolic of the core memory function of the Soul. Viewed as the higher octave of Mercury, Uranus corresponds to the non-linear aspect of the mind: as such it carries memories of early childhood, inter-uterine and Bardo states as well as prior lives. By exploring stressful aspects to Uranus and planets in Aquarius the natal chart reveals aspects of the deep memory that have known traumatic or overwhelming memories. Identifying these patterns for people can often bring a sense of profound relief – as if something essential about the individual has finally been acknowledged. This talk will be illustrated by multiple example charts from Mark’s work as an astrologer and psychotherapist.Part 2 – How to Heal TraumaThis talk will expand upon the material on Uranus and Identifying Trauma by showing how individuals respond to trauma and how therefore, they might begin to overcome such wounding. This talk will also introduce the idea of multiple levels in the psyche and how we respond to impacting events on these different levels. This insight becomes critical when it comes to the question of how we resolve crisis or painful experiences. This talk will explore technical and counselling issues. The technical issues include the role of Pluto and how it works with the memories of Uranus to create myths and narratives which guide people unconsciously, and the role of the Moon and Saturn as conditioning influences. Counselling issues include the common defensive structures that grow up around traumatic experience and memory. These include hypervigilance, the creation of a false or adaptive self and the projection of unresolved personal feeling outside. This talk will utilize the personal experience of several people with whom Mark has worked through traumatic material to show just what is possible when the therapeutic potential of astrology is applied and worked through in individual lives.

Vic Ketis

Vic Ketis


Exploring the current Chinese 12 and 20 Year cycle

The current 12 Year cycle began in 2008 with the election of Obama and numerous changes of Government throughout the world. This cycle which is embedded into the current 20 Year cycle began in 1984 and seeds the next 180 year cycle beginning in 2044. This lecture will explore these cycles with a view as to what to expect in the next 180 years, as well as examining the current influence of the new elemental ‘Metal’ element series of Years beginning with the Monkey in 2016.

Astrology and the Current Unfolding of Consciousness

The last 60 Years has seen scientific breakthroughs, monumental worldly and astronomical events, and accelerated technological advancement. Any external event will be mirrored by an internal shift and awakening. This lecture will present a unique timeline of critical events and phenomena beginning with the discovery of DNA in 1953. Then integrating the Chinese and Western astrological paradigms, this gives insight into the meaning of the personal and collective unfoldment, and the underlying evolution of consciousness to this time and give insights into future direction and possibilities. Reference will also be made to 2012. What, if anything, of significance happened?

Glennys Lawton

Glennys Lawton


Hopes, Dreams, Wishes – and Ghostly Pasts and Presence

The need to have a sense of belonging and connectedness is becoming ever more apparent today as society becomes more fragmented, insular, and disconnected. Rituals, such as Halloween are becoming more popular; but what is really happening for our young people when they go ‘trick or treating’ around the neighbourhood – what is the lure that draws us to such rituals? In this presentation we will explore the 12th house undertow that often intrudes upon our quest to master the 11th house meaning of belonging to a wider social group – a quest that begins early in life.

The Ascendant – Our Unsung Hero

In much of our astrological literature, information about the ascendant leaves us with a sense of mystery; there is often no clear reference available to make the fundamental meaning of the ascendant more coherent. Our traditional understanding of the ascendant – while pointed in the right direction, usually takes the form of interpretation along the lines of a mask, persona and defence mechanisms all of which are very relevant but perhaps lacking the sense of honour and respect that the ascendant deserves. This lecture will explore the deeper meaning of the ascendant and its ongoing commitment to our wellbeing.

Jeannette Lewis–Hill

Jeannette Lewis–Hill


Antiscia – Reflections and Revelations

The use of antiscia and contrascia points dates back a good 2000 years or more. The term relates to ‘shadows’ – or earlier to a concept of counterbalances or counterweights. There is also the meaning of equality or correspondence within these points, and they are actually reflections across the solstice points. Antiscia are valuable signifiers to include in natal, synastry and horary astrology. They are often the missing links that explain behaviours that are not apparent from the natal chart alone. They can show why a person seemingly acts contrary to their astrological nature, or why certain couples are united by a compelling mutual path. In horary they can show the subtle motives behind an intention or action. The lecture provides an explanation of the points themselves and their application.

Mercury as Angel, Mercury as Devil – A chart-based exploration of Mercury’s adaptable nature

Mercury is technically neutral, being influenced one way or the other by the planetary company he keeps. The many charts presented in this lecture give a broad picture of Mercury’s range of operation and how his energies are employed by notably spiritual and moral, or naughty and negative people. This lecture briefly reviews Mercury’s nature, particularly how he connects us with other realms and is the great facilitator of our communication. His identity as trickster comes very much to the fore with personalities such as Casanova and Mata Hari; while his more angelic side is exhibited in charts where the likes of Mother Theresa and Rudolph Steiner access Mercury’s channel to the divine realms.

Vivien Lowe

Vivien Lowe


Vesta – Legacy of Fire

The asteroid Vesta is prominent in the charts of natural and man-made disasters where fire was the primary cause of the disaster. For example, Vesta is prominent in the chart of the 1666 Great Fire of London, but not in the chart of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, even though much of the damage resulted from fires following the earthquake. When looking at arson, Vesta is prominent in the charts of serial arsonists Julio Gonzalez and John Orr, but not in the chart of David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) who, although originally an arsonist, later progressed to serial killing.

Michael Lutin

Michael Lutin

Workshop, Key Note Address, and Lectures

Pre Conference Workshop: Michael Lutin’s Secrets Revealed (Well, most of them)

A wholly interactive seminar designed for lovers and students of astrology and fellow astrologers interested in learning exactly how Michael does what he does. Foolproof predictive techniques using often overlooked natal positions and time cycles, early and karmic conditioning and Michael’s methods of probing deeply into every chart, will help you see what’s really happening, how to do best what you want to do and laugh while you’re doing it. An intimate day welcoming all your questions of delineation, ethics, interaction, and matters of the impact of astrology on personal financial prosperity. A fully interactive seminar, so bring charts and Ephemerides.

KEY NOTE ADDRESS: The Humans are Rising – Astrology in a Time of Existential Evolution

Our participation in helping to redefine the term “sentient beings” and to carve our future place politically and philosophically in the imminent reorganization of society.

The House of the Rising Sun – Discovering the Core of Strength and Healing Power

Throwing off limitations and fulfilling the promise you make to yourself right from birth through the often maligned but underappreciated and cutting edge ancient tool of the Whole Sign Solar Horoscope. A fully interactive seminar, so bring charts and Ephemerides.

Your True Planetary Significators – Your Ascendant Ruler Probably Not Your Ruler At All Double Lecture

The search through ancient and modern principles always to discover reveals the nature of our true cosmic guides in predictive and natal charts. Examining the complex web of Cosmic patterns, from ring disposition to unusual symmetries, which surprisingly, though seemingly to impossible to decipher, more accurately guides you embrace your destiny. A fully interactive seminar, so bring charts and Ephemerides.

Charyn McLean

Charyn McLean


The Astrological Family Tree – Inherited astrological patterns in the family horoscopes

Just as we genetically inherit certain physical characteristics from our parents, grand-parents, and so forth, planetary hereditary reveals psychological and emotional dispositions passed down through the generations. Combining the Bowenian technique of genograms (family maps) with the horoscopes of several generations of family members, creating the astrological family tree can assist in identifying dysfunctional transgenerational patterns within family systems. In this lecture we will explore the astrological significators of key unresolved issues passed down through generations. You will also learn how to implement simple counselling techniques which support the process of healing and transforming your ancestral legacy, as well as using astrology as a tool to assist in conscious parenting.

Spiritual Connections, Karmic Contracts – The Prenatal Eclipse in Synastry

When the solar eclipse prior to birth is placed in the natal chart, it reveals insightful clues and an understanding of our karmic relationships, life situations and lessons, and the karma we have accumulated over lifetimes. In synastry, it offers us the opportunity to recognise the role we can each play in our relationships to release karmic issues and rebalance past life actions. We form relationships with others to stimulate the catalyst of soul growth. Transits and progressions to the prenatal eclipse indicate the timing of such significant relationships entering our lives. This lecture explores how the astrological aspects of the prenatal eclipse and planetary points between natal charts explain the type of karmic implications linking individuals and the way you assist each other to resolve mutual karmic obligations. This lecture will give you an understanding of how to identify and use the prenatal eclipse for positive evolutionary growth.

Lyndall McQuinn

Lyndall McQuinn


Astrological Circuits

People often say they have a ‘block’ and it belongs to a particular astrological aspect and blame that aspect for the issues that arise in their life. This is very limiting and prevents the creation of change within the habits daily living patterns. Each aspect needs to be drawn in aspect to all the planets connected to it so the potential of all the ways the energy held can be identified – this is called circuit work. Learn to identify the circuits in a chart and how the energy of a circuit can be used differently to create positive change. This lecture will liberate your view of the chart and how you read it so that ‘magic happens’.

Olga Morales

Olga Morales


Your Saros Journey

The evolution of the soul spirals around the cosmos nurtured by the progressing Saros cycle. Each one of us belongs to Saros family that evolves like a serpent around the cosmic egg. The midpoint between your pre and post-natal eclipse and corresponding Saros cycles, is a very fated point. Discover where you are on your Saros Journey and future destinations.

Working with Midpoints within your Progressed Declination Cycle

Often called the hidden dimension, declination reveals inherent seasonal swings. By plotting your secondary progressed declination cycle with midpoints, you will discover your current season and how the symmetrically placed planets add a particular theme to your life. What is your current season?

Julia and Derek Parker

Julia and Derek Parker


Anthology – Poems of Life and Love

Poems of Life and Love is Julia and Derek Parker’s latest adventure. Julia and Derek have compiled poems, verse, songs and prose for each sign of the zodiac.

Join Julia and Derek in the Aphrodite room on Saturday at 1.00pm for an entertaining and uplifting presentation – can you match the prose to the sign? Musical accompaniment will be performed by Mr Greg Schubert.

Damian Rocks

Damian Rocks


The Worst was Neptune – Transits, Progressions and the rest

Neptune transits and progressions tend to fall into the background in a predictive astrologer’s toolbox, yet often coincide with some of the most difficult periods in a client’s life. Neptune’s influence can be hard to define, and so by transit, its effects can be difficult to work with. Yet when impacting a client’s life can correspond with extremely upsetting and confusing times. Explore the archetypal themes of Neptune to learn when this planet can deliver an unseen knock-out punch and discover how to avoid sowing seeds for future disappointment..

Radical charts and Radical thinking – From Horary to Natal and back again

The issue of radicality is fascinating, as well as ripe for statistical study. When horary charts align with the birth chart there is evidence of a mysterious synchronicity which hints at a connected pattern governing planetary alignments and the mind. This lecture will demonstrate how clear examples of radicality (connections between horary and natal charts) offer both predictive information and statistical significance. The correlation between the time a person seeks guidance and definitive transits to their natal chart will be shown, revealing evidence of a measurable cosmic pattern guiding both planetary position and life events.

Richard Smykowsky

Richard Smykowsky


1981-2020: The Triplicity Shift

Living in Interesting Times may be a blessing and a curse. Astrologers have attempted to map the collective past, present and future for centuries. Watching the cycle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions looms large amid these Mundane efforts. They not only measure the decades, but also contribute to a sense of centuries and millennia. For about two hundred years they conjoin in a single element – which has been Earthy since the early 19th century. Now, between 1981 to 2020 we are living in a crossover period – “the triplicity shift” – where Earth gives way to Air, last seen in 1186 through 1226. Can an appreciation of elemental triplicities inform awareness of the chaotic present? Does an examination of Grand Mutations for the last thousand years shed light on the potential future of humankind and planet earth?

Houses of Fortune

Astrological significators of wealth have been well worked in both modern and historical periods. Yet current practice either neglects or misapprehends the central role of Fortuna, the Lot of Fortune. This point distils the essence of Sun, Moon and Ascendant – making it a key for unlocking certain unique qualities in any chart. It is responsive to day/night and dependent upon an exact time of birth. And this primary Hermetic Lot can also serve as a house marker, where it’s zodiacal placement begins the first of twelve whole sign fortune houses. This lecture presents examples of these embedded fortune houses, their easy calculation, and their practical use in determining the potential for wealth in a birth chart.

Kelly Surtees

Kelly Surtees


Planets: Passions + Problems

Your passions and problems can be revealed by your strong and weak planets. Discover how to work out which planets are strong and working for you and which planets may symbolise a weakness and cause problems. Learn how to quickly determine a client’s response to and likely experiences around popular topics like love, fertility, wealth, health and career. We’ll review traditional approaches to determine favourable and difficult planets, as well as discuss strategies for managing them.

The Progressed Sun: Life’s Highs and Lows

Your Progressed Sun is your primary life force. Explore how the journey of the progressed Sun – through the terms, signs, houses and by aspect – reveals the flavour and feeling of life. Learn useful ways to highlight happy or challenging years with the progressed Sun. Hone your skills for this essential yet simple timing tool.

Kira Sutherland

Kira Sutherland


Natures 7 Healers and the Zodiac – Double Lecture

In Naturopathy there is a system of healing referred to as ‘Natures 7 Doctors’, they are the seven principles to live by to create health, wellbeing and balance in our lives. In natal Astrology there are 7 inner planets which act on our lives on a ‘personal level’. By combining these two systems using modern medical astrology and symbolism Kira will explain how working with your 7 inner planets can help guide you on your journey to better health.

Kris Svendsen

Kris Svendsen


Does he/she really love me?

How do you use horary astrology to elicit the details of relational questions beyond the yes or no answer? Expanding on the work of John Frawley, we’ll explore the crime scene – the means, the motive and the opportunity that applies to almost all situational horary questions.

Molly Talbot

Molly Talbot


The Nodes and the Journey of Your Soul

Come on a journey through your chart and discover how the transiting node to your angles triggers critical moments and events in your life which are linked to the unfolding story of your soul’s path. The transiting node travels in a retrograde motion around the chart in the opposite direction to the planets. As it touches the angles it awakens something deep inside you bringing a shift in your consciousness and connecting you more with your spiritual path rather than your journey in the outer world.

Ed Tamplin

Ed Tamplin


The Anatomy of Prediction

Astrology was founded on forecasting but in many circles prophecy took a backseat role from the 20th century onward. Yet thousands of years have not changed public expectation. The community at large expects astrologers to deliver intelligible answers on crucial questions such as election results, the economy, or global political trends – and importantly themselves. Developing predictive skills whether for a nation, or an individual entails moving well beyond natal analysis. It involves reconceptualising the natal horoscope as the first frame of the movie, or intro of the book, called life. How will the story unfold? This presentation aims to congruently develop forecasting skills by classifying and prioritizing your information and thought process, thereby bringing every chart to life.

From Cardinal Crisis to Mutable Momentum

The global scene has been reset following the planetary heavyweights of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and dwarf planet Pluto squaring off in the cardinal signs. In 2016 the cardinal crisis is shifting toward a mutable momentum with the gas giants of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and North Node all emphasizing the mutable signs. This presentation connects the dots across the ages to explain the difference that determines new and different world directions. The Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces square is but one of the phenomena analysed historically via events and individuals. The mutable Grand Cross is another along with advice on how to best utilize these energies.

Fred Watson, AM

Dr. Fred Watson


The New Solar System

Over the past decade, our view of the Sun’s family has been completely transformed. Once regarded as an orderly assemblage of nine planets in which not much happened, the Solar System is now known to be in a state of dynamic evolution, with even its smallest members playing a pivotal role. Those smaller worlds are also revealing many of the processes that have shaped our own planet and triggered our origins.

In this entertaining and fully-illustrated talk, astronomer Fred Watson brings to the conference the latest discoveries from ground and space-based observations, and uncovers an extreme Solar System that is truly astonishing in its variety.