2018 FAA Conference Speaker Wade Caves

Wade Caves

Wade Caves is an astrological consultant, educator and international speaker specializing in horary, electional and classical astrological technique. Wade received his certification as a horary practitioner from Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology (STA), and now serves as a faculty member and tutor for the STA in North America. Prior to this he was certified with distinction from the Mayo School of Astrology in London, and is well-versed in both traditional and modern psychological methods of chart delineation. Wade maintains an astrological practice based in San Francisco, CA.

Website: http://wadecaves.com


For lecture dates and times, please see the Conference Timetable

Like Clockwork: Timing in Horary Astrology

Horary textbooks cover a lot of theoretical ground, but few really draw out the mechanics involved in assessing cycles to create a solid timeline of events. What techniques are consistently recorded? Are they all equally reliable? Is there a more straightforward approach that can be taken when timing horary figures? This presentation analyzes modern and historical horary charts to demonstrate an organic approach to timing that underlines the ongoing cycles speaking to us in horary consultation. This presentation will be suitable for all, irrespective of experience using horary astrology.

Electing With Purpose: Radicality in Electional Astrology

Electing is an art that is practiced widely in the modern astrological community, but rarely with the degree of precision achievable by practicing astrologers. With radical elections, the astrologer enters a person-centred electional process that properly exploits the power and purpose of their client’s natal chart. Using modern and historical chart examples learn how to give your election a strong foundation in this presentation. The techniques are simple and straightforward and, once understood, will better equip every astrologer in their practice. This presentation is suitable and warmly encouraged for astrologers at all levels, especially those who currently use electional astrology and are looking for ways to sharpen their technique.

The Horary Astrologer’s Guide to Decumbiture

Historically, astrology and natural philosophy formed the cornerstone of medicine. Through decumbiture charts, astrologers assessed the true root of an illness, identified its severity and also its cure, while forecasting the cycle of critical periods. Decumbiture charts are judged very similarly to horary figures, with a few unique techniques. This presentation explores the basics of humour theory, the use of decumbiture charts through historical and modern chart examples, and the doctrine of sympathy and antipathy in determining cause of illness and the path to treatment.

Post-Conference Workshop

Love & Conception: Exploring Relationship Issues through Horary

Date: Monday, January 22, 2018
Time: 10.00 am

The bread and butter of a horary astrologer’s practice, relationship questions are not technically difficult but can offer unique challenges in consultation. As astrologers, how do we take what we see in a chart and turn that into something meaningful for a client? What are the common pitfalls in relationship chart consultation, and how can we allow the astrology to work through us in a clearer, more direct way? In this presentation we will assess horaries relating to relationships and pregnancy to see reliable first principles at work, with a focus on the pragmatic nature of interpersonal counselling.