2018 FAA Conference Speaker Jupiter Lai

Jupiter Lai

Jupiter Lai is a practising astrologer based in Hong Kong. She co-founded the Academy of Astrology with Rod Chang in 2008 which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers. Jupiter lectures on a wide range of subjects from natal to mundane astrology to students in Hong Kong, China and Malaysia.

Jupiter began her formal study with the Faculty of Astrological Study and later received certification as a horary practitioner from Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology (STA). She is now a tutor of the STA and delivers the Practitioner’s Level Horary Course in Chinese. Jupiter’s passion and focus is to integrate classical principles with a psychological approach which she finds insightful in response to modern people’s quests in life. She also incorporates Chinese astrology, I-Ching and Feng Shui in her own practice.

Jupiter’s personal website is at www.magiclife.com.hk


For lecture dates and times, please see the Conference Timetable

To Buy or Not to Buy – That is the Question

Investment, business and property matters are some of the most frequently asked horary questions: Should I buy this property? Should I make this investment? Will this business bring me profit? In a business deal, it is important to see whether it will be traded at a good price, the condition of the property or the prospect of the business. In this lecture, we will identify the significators and explore the traditional aphorisms on judging such matters. We will also use modern cases as examples to see how to apply traditional rules to modern scenarios.

The Chinese Zodiac, Animal Signs and Jupiter Cycle

The Chinese animal signs are a totally different system from Western Astrology, even though each of the animal signs corresponds to a zodiac sign and they are related to the Jupiter cycle. The Chinese signs can also be grouped according to the five elements and their geometric positions. Chinese astrologers use the animal signs as the basis of yearly prediction, judging it as a lucky or challenging year for people of each sign. Different types of lucky charms and Feng Shui placements are suggested for each animal sign to improve fortune. In this lecture, we will explore the relationship between the two zodiacs, how the animal signs can be used for general forecast and the remedial measures for each sign by using lucky charms and proper Feng Shui placements.