2018 FAA Conference Speaker Kira Sutherland

Kira Sutherland

BHSc, Grad. Dip. Sports Nutrition, Adv Dip Nut Medicine, Adv Dip Naturopathy, Adv Dip Herb Med.

Kira is an Australian Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Astrologer. She divides her time between clients, writing and lecturing on health, well-being and medical astrology. Known for her vibrant, straight forward teaching style, Kira has lectured in Medical Astrology both within Australia and internationally. She is currently hibernating in the mountains of Canada with her family while writing and playing in nature as much as possible. In private practice for over 20 years, Kira combines her knowledge in Naturopathy with her passion for Medical Astrology into a wonderful mix of mind/body medicine.

Website: http://www.astrologyofhealth.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/astrologyofhealth/


For lecture dates and times, please see the Conference Timetable

Turning Malefic Maladies into Warriors of Wellbeing

Traditional medical astrology teaches that Mars and Saturn are harbingers of ill health and disease – instigators of acute or long-standing ailments, frustrations and poor health. But what if we take their principles to empower us to bring strength, vigour, discipline and order into our lives? Join Kira to see how you can work with these ‘malefic’ planets in order to activate positive life changes and develop energy, strength and empowerment.

The Cycles of Reproduction and the Times of Fertility

Astrology has been used to predict events, explain personality traits and in medical astrology to show its influence over our health. Medical astrology can also be used to look at fertility and all that surrounds the journey to having children. So what does astrology have to teach us about fertility, conception and birth? This lecture will look at the natal chart and the transits that help to influence pregnancy, fertility and conception, as well as choosing optimum days astrologically to enhance these processes. Join Kira for an affirmative side to medical astrology where we look at the possible creation of families, rather than the inherited ailments our families have bestowed on us.