2018 FAA Conference Speaker Charyn McLean

Astrologer Charyn McLean

Charyn McLean has over twenty two years of experience as a professional astrological consultant, teacher and flower essence therapist. Using an integrative approach, she combines counselling and flower essences with the art of astrology, focusing on psychological and karmic astrology. She also works as a consultant for natural therapists who specialise in fertility issues.

Charyn holds the FAA Practitioner’s Diploma and Diploma of Professional Counselling.


For lecture dates and times, please see the Conference Timetable

Reclaiming the Self – Timing Psyche’s Rites of Initiation through Transits and Progressions

Difficult situations, confusion, feelings of loss, and challenging experiences provide the impetus for individuals to seek a therapist– be it an astrologer, counsellor, psychologist or other professional. One of the goals of therapy is to support the individual, peeling back the layers of the ‘false Self’ to allow the ‘true Self’ to emerge and flourish. The astrological chart provides an insight into the potential for personal transformation. Exploring astrological archetypes and mythology assists our clients in creating and embracing their own, deeply personal rites of passage on the journey to reclaiming their authenticity.

The Nodal Axis in Synastry – Karmic and Dharmic Relationships

When the nodal axis in one person’s horoscope is connected to the planets or asteroids in a significant other’s chart, an opportunity for soul growth is present for both individuals. While we might look to fulfil our unmet needs though a ‘soul mate’, the reality is often very different, frequently complex and testing; yet ironically more valuable to our personal growth. The role a soul mate plays in challenging us to face our shadow and work towards our highest potential truly makes them a ‘Mate of our Soul’.