Our 2018 FAA conference follows the tradition of offering pre and post conference workshops with our world-class international astrologers. These full-day seminars offer the opportunity to study with some of the best astrologers in our worldwide community and focus in-depth on the subject at hand. This year Verena Bachmann, Demetra George and Michael Lutin will be your pre-conference teachers. Following the conference Wade Caves, Christof Niederwieser and Frank Clifford will be your tutors. The range of workshops covers the spectrum from Horary to Business and from Hellenistic to Psychological astrology. Take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Pre-Conference Workshops: Thursday, January 18, 2018

Demetra George
Hellenistic Time Lords

Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Time: 10.00 am
Room: TBA

Look into the forecasting toolbox of ancient astrologers and discover a host of lost timing techniques. An introduction to determining the various times in life when certain topics such as children or marriage will become activated through the use of circumambulations through the bounds, planetary periods, ascensional times of the signs, zodiacal releasing, and annual profections in conjunction with the solar return. Demetra will present an example where all the techniques, each using different factors, pinpoint the same pivotal event.

Verena Bachmann
Using Traumatic Experiences for Individual Growth and Development

Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Time: 10.00 am
Room: TBA

From early childhood and throughout our lives we experience many diverse traumas. Most people believe it best to avoid the possibility of any suffering when possible or if they have already experienced trauma, these are often recognized as the reason for unhappiness and lack of fulfilment. In this workshop we will look at traumatic experiences from a different perspective: as the raw material for our individual growth. When we become aware of our distressing experiences without being overwhelmed by them, able to contain their grief and sorrow, then we gain a deeper insight into their meaning. This deeper understanding involves acknowledging them as stories of our soul, which allows us insight and healing to free the blocked energies and use them as resources for our future.

Michael Lutin
Neptune and Chiron: Gullibility or the Doorway to Universal Consciousness

Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Time: 10.00 am
Room: TBA

A crisis in conscience and consciousness can touch your deepest most private being, bringing out your artistry and creative imagination. This workshop is a vision quest using imagery and imagination to inspire you to reflect on your own horoscopes from the point of view of these otherworldly archetypes, such as: art and tragedy; finding the miracle in misfortune; unshakeable faith or childish magical thinking; divine intervention or just a plain old Dumb-ass mistake? Be prepared to change.

Post-Conference Workshops – Monday, January 22, 2018

Wade Caves
Love & Conception: Exploring Relationship Issues through Horary

Date: Monday, January 22, 2018
Time: 10.00 am
Room: TBA

The bread and butter of a horary astrologer’s practice, relationship questions are not technically difficult but can offer unique challenges in consultation. As astrologers, how do we take what we see in a chart and turn that into something meaningful for a client? What are the common pitfalls in relationship chart consultation, and how can we allow the astrology to work through us in a clearer, more direct way? In this presentation we will assess horaries relating to relationships and pregnancy to see reliable first principles at work, with a focus on the pragmatic nature of interpersonal counselling.

Christof Niederwieser
An Introduction to Business Astrology

Date: Monday, January 22, 2018
Time: 10.00 am
Room: TBA

Entrepreneurs and managers make decisions in situations of chronic uncertainty. The fields of business administration have developed an extensive arsenal of methods, models and theories. But in the end, soft factors like emotion, instinct or simply coincidence are often crucial for success.

Astrology is the oldest system theory of mankind. It provides invaluable additional information, especially when combined with the well-established techniques of management. This workshop gives an introduction to the vast possibilities of business astrology. It introduces novel methods such as the Group Horoscope, Generational Imprint, Cycle Docking or the Astro-Kondratiev business cycle model, that have been developed especially for the specific requirements of astrological business consulting. Case studies from strategic management, branding and human resources will show you how to apply these tools effectively in your astrological work.

Frank Clifford
Courage + Talent + Energy = Success

Date: Monday, January 22, 2018
Time: 10.00 am
Room: TBA

How can success be seen in the horoscope? Firstly, we all have personal definitions of success – they’re not always about money, status or recognition. And amid this unstable professional and financial climate, many of us are opting out of ‘safe’ career paths to pursue a more authentic life. So it’s essential as astrologers to know where personal fulfilment can be seen in our own birth charts and also to know how to articulate this to our clients. This seminar is suitable for students/astrologers of all levels, and Frank will examine a variety of horoscopes (including participants) to see where our strengths and talents lie. And together, in this uplifting end to the conference, we’ll consider the best paths (and timings) towards ‘following our bliss’, manifesting our potential and achieving success.