2018 FAA Conference Speaker Michele Finey

Michele Finey

Michele Finey is an astrologer based in Melbourne.

Interested in the planets from an early age, Michele began studying astrology in 1980, later going on to train as a hypnotherapist. Michele classifies herself as a modern psychological astrologer whose interests include mundane astrology, medical astrology and planetary cycles. Michele has presented her astrological research throughout Australia and in the US and her feature articles have appeared in a large number of publications including Wellbeing, The Mountain Astrologer and the NCGR Journal. Michele produces a beautiful 32-page astrology calendar and she is the author of Solar Fire’s Health and Wellbeing Report. Her books include, Secrets of the Zodiac and The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars.

Website: www.celestialinsight.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celestialinsight/


For lecture dates and times, please see the Conference Timetable

The Future of Astrology

The more we study astrology, the more philosophical questions it raises. Whether we follow the traditional model, or take a modern approach, we are still confronted by a multitude of paradoxical questions about life and our place in the universe. As astrologer Ronald C. Davison observed, ‘The purpose of living is to discover the purpose of living.’ How does astrology tie in to free-will, consciousness, synchronicity, reincarnation, evolution and the unfolding of time? In this presentation we’ll explore some of these key questions. We’ll revisit some fundamental astrological tenets and explore beyond astrology to examine some little known facts about our world, the solar system and our place in time that illuminate the future of astrology.