2020 FAA Conference Speaker Chris Turner

2020 faa astrology conference speaker chris turner

Chris Turner has been a successful practising astrologer, teacher, international lecturer, author and columnist for over 40 years. She is currently best known as the coordinator of the highly successful Breaking Down the Borders bi annual cyber conference.

Alongside her public profile, Chris was National President of the FAA and local President of AANSW.

Chris has served on the Steering Committee of AFAN and currently she is serving as Vice President of the International Academy of Astrology.


Suddenly I’m Old: How did I Get here?

Becoming a ‘senior citizen’ – especially for the Pluto in Leo generation – has always been somewhere vaguely in the far-off future, until the day a Senior’s card arrives in the post. The mind and heart are the same as they were 30 years ago – and, true, the body is starting to ache, but surely you are not old! Astrological studies of children, teenagers, the mid-life crises etc. abound, but what about the period post-2nd Saturn Return?

This lecture explores the astrology of the third Saturn cycle. (On a professional and personal note this will be my final formal astrological lecture.)