2020 FAA Conference Speaker Ed Tamplin

2020 faa astrology conference speaker ed tamplin

Ed Tamplin is recognized as one of the world’s premier mundane and predictive astrologers. He operates a global consultancy from his Sydney home base, and is the co-principle of the Sirius Astrology School.

For over a decade Ed co-hosted a number-one rating astrological program on Sydney commercial radio, attracting a quarter of the available Sydney listening audience. Ed is also a past VP of AANSW and Secretary/President of SARS.

He remains dedicated to astrological research, regularly contributing the ‘Eye in the Sky’ column in the FAA Journal and also weekly updates the popular website www.edtamplin.com


Mastering Synodic Cycle Work – What Goes Around Comes Around

The axiom that what goes around comes around has karmic implications. It suggests a universal balance – never static – always moving. Like the tightrope walker delicately focussing energy upward in the knowledge that in motion lies the key. The universe never stands still; neither do our lives, nor the ever evolving synodic cycles of the planets. Only by analysing this ongoing movement can progressive meanings be attached. Synodic cycles are as ancient as the first writings on the clay tablets from King Ashurbanipal’s library in Nineveh. This lecture concentrates on their use and value, through the ages, in the personal and collective setting.

2020 – Things to Come – The Great Conjunctions

2020 is a landmark year for mundane astrological cycles. It starts with the formation of a new Saturn-Pluto cycle in Capricorn, something not witnessed since 1518 and the day of the Reformation. It ends with a new cycle of the Great Chronocrators, Jupiter and Saturn, in the beginning degree of Aquarius, the sign of the common collective and bang on the US presidential swearing in degree. What do these new beginnings imply and how might they impact our world. Things to Come – The Great Conjunctions addresses this potential and explores various techniques of interpretation that assist in considering the landscape of the coming years.