The Board of Examiners is a subcommittee of the FAA Inc. National Council. Under Council guidelines, the Board consists of up to eight members, depending on the need at any particular time. All Board members must hold a minimum of the Dip Astro (FAA), and an AAT (FAA) is also required to be held by Examiners. The Board is administered by the Coordinator, whose role it is to liaise with examination candidates on behalf of the Board and administer all aspects of the exams. The Coordinator’s position is a two year appointed position.

About the FAA Exam Board

The Exam Board:

  • Sets and marks the FAA exams which determine the FAA Practitioner Qualifications
  • Decides on examination procedure
  • Provides syllabi for teachers and students
  • Aims to set a standard for the education of Astrologers in Australia

How the FAA Exam Board operates

The FAA Exam Board aims to be financially self-sufficient. Exam Board members, like all other office holders in the FAA, are volunteers and give of their time to support the Professional Development of Astrologers across Australia. Fees are paid for both the setting and marking of exams regardless of whether a marker is an actual member of the Exam Board or not. Fees for marking are based on the number of papers marked by the examiner, with a percentage of the candidates’ fees paid to the Coordinator. FAA Exam Board members are reimbursed for expenses incurred in their role of Exam Board members. The Exam Board meets twice a year. A report is prepared for the National Council, which will then be presented by the Coordinator at the annual National Council meeting.

FAA Exam Board Members

Coordinator: Pauline Hepburn
Examiners: Patricia Shepherd, Narelle Duncan, Christine Rothwell, Janet (Sagari) Menfey
FAA Vice President: Anita Ings

State Exam Liaison Officers
