in memoriam white rose 223x160

dedicated to our beloved Australian Astrologers

Remembering our Astrological Mentors

Here in Australia we have a distinctive astrological community. It is bound together not only by the regard and affection for our shared interest in astrology, but also by the respect and warmth we have for one another.

These pages of our FAA website are dedicated to our treasured mentors, colleagues and friends who have gone before us. Their astrological legacies have enhanced our understanding of astrology through education, helped to expand our consciousness of the world we inhabit, and developed our capacity to be more aware of our self and others. Their contributions have strengthened the foundation of our astrological tradition and contributed to the continuity of astrology here in Australia. We thank them and gratefully remember the gifts they have shared with our community.

Many of the following tributes have been taken from the FAA Journal. Please click the astrologer whose memorial you would like to access.