Remembering Aileen Page

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On Wednesday August 22, 2012 at 3.30 am the QFA lost a very much loved member of our astrological family: QFA Honorary life member and FAA Fellow – Aileen Page.

Long term QFA members know that Aileen was very important to the development of our association throughout the 80’s and it was through her work, dedication, Gemini energy and passion that allowed our association to flourish and grow. On a number of occasions Aileen came to the rescue, stepping in and taking over the leadership role of the QFA when others were unable to continue on. When I joined the QFA in 1982, Aileen was very active within the Qld Astrological community and she quickly became a close friend and mentor. Aileen was a strong supporter of the FAA, QFA and the APA and throughout the years she took on the roles of President, Vice President and Secretary of the QFA. One of her legacies to the QFA and something very dear to her heart was the establishment in 1985 of a permanent Book Library for QFA members. From 1983 until 1993 Aileen served on the National Council. She also lectured at the 1992 Melbourne conference and was a frequent presenter at QFA meetings.

Aileen was awarded the Southern Cross Award – Queensland 1994. Aileen loved conferences and of course she was selected to serve on the conference committee for the first FAA conference to be held in Queensland in 1998. She attended the 2010 Qld. conference even though she was still recovering from a stroke and was a regular at the Melbourne Cup Astrology parties at my home over the past 13 years including 2011. Her wish was to also attend the 2012 conference in her home town of Melbourne; however sadly she was unable to make the journey.

One of my fondest memories of Aileen was at the 1992 conference when she very passionately told Cyndi and me that she wanted both of us to be the next National Representatives for Qld. We said thank you but at that time neither Cyndi nor I had a clue what she was talking about or what the FAA National council was! However Aileen’s wish was granted! Astrology was one of her passions and she told me many times that she had lived a wonderful and full life with lots of love from family and friends. For that, she was full of gratitude and ready to embrace the next phase whenever she was called.

Aileen was 87 on the 5th June, 2012. We will miss you. Vale Aileen.

Sylvia Wilson