Remembering Guenther Andre
23 January, 1911 – June 9, 2009

Guenther was born in East Germany on January 23, 1911. He received a Master Degree in Engineering from the University of Breslau, which was formerly part of Germany, but now Poland.

Guenther was a dedicated astrologer and teacher, serving on both FAA Victorian Branch and National Committees. He was a great researcher and lecturer. In particular Guenther delivered a very special lecture – the FAA Honorary Life Members Lecture “Harmonice Mundi – Harmony of the Spheres”, at the FAA 5th International Convention of the same name, at Monash University, Victoria in 1984.

He was awarded the prestigious FAA Honorary Life Membership at this time.

Guenther was an avid reader who loved his books. He was interested in all aspects of the world, health and science. He was forever a student of life, which he shared with his lovely, talented wife Andrea, a gifted artist.

Guenther lived an extraordinarily long and healthy life and died on June 9, 2009, following a stroke – aged 98 years.

The older astrologers will always remember Guenther’s generous sharing of his knowledge and astrological discoveries.

Pamela Rowe