Remembering Neville Lang
30th August, 1949 – 28th April, 2011

Neville Lang was one of life’s rare gems – he was a person of great integrity, someone to be respected privately and professionally. He was also someone who retained a cheerful and positive attitude to everything in his life, even when facing his own death. It is almost impossible to mention Neville’s name in the astrological community without also thinking of his beloved wife Georgie – “Neville and Georgie”. They were together to the end. Our hearts go out to Georgie, and Neville’s family, at this time. Neville and I had weekly contact, sometimes daily contact, for almost 1 7 years. He was a respected business colleague and a cherished personal friend and he will be sorely missed.

Neville began teaching Vedic astrology in 1998 specialising in the Systems’ Approach. Besides being involved in the computer industry since 1 970, Neville was associated with Solar Fire in different roles since 1994. He was an agent, chief technical support officer, programmer and also a Technical Director of the company. Neville’s involvement in astrology also includes lectures on Vedic astrology throughout Australia, in Auckland (NZ) and Edinburgh (Scotland). He was awarded the title of “Jyotish Kovid” from India in 2001. He was also a Past President of the Victorian Astrologers Association Inc.

In June 2004, Neville released his own Astracadabra, an astrology software program for Pocket PCs and Windows Mobile Phones that was used for all systems of astrology. Then he took over and continued to develop the Esoteric Technologies’ range of astrology software, making them his own. With one short break, Neville remained as Solar Fire’s Chief Programmer until he was forced to focus entirely on his own health. He was diagnosed with cancer last year. A tumour was discovered late October when he had a stomach problem checked out in hospital. This tumour was located between the pancreas and liver and he was told that there was no known cure.

In his own words he said: “I have been very fortunate to have been able to spend most of my working life following through with my two greatest passions; i) software programming and, ii) astrology. As some of you know, it was in 2007 where I was able to finally join these twin passions when I began working on the programming of the Solar Fire program. While I have achieved a great number of personal goals over the years, the three achievements that stand out for me are: i) convening the biennial FAA International Conference in the year 2000 working with a great team from the VAA, ii) the prediction I made in 2001 of the US retaliation after 9/11 where I not only predicted the day but to within 1 5 – 20 minutes of the first bombs falling on Afghanistan and, iii) the prediction I made in 2003 (we were in the worst drought in 100 years at the time) where I stated that the next flood cycle for Australia would occur in 201 0/2011 , based on the declination cycle of the North Node. With the flooding that has occurred over great areas in the eastern states of Australia over the past several months, this prediction has now come true.”

Stephanie Johnston

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It is with a great deal of sadness that I write a farewell to Neville Lang. As well as being a very dear friend Neville has been an important part of the VAA for many years. Neville joined the VAA in 1990 and became a committee member about 1995. I joined the VAA committee around the same time as Neville, and when he became our President I was his
Vice President and we became very close working together for a common cause. During those years Neville was the convenor of the 13th FAA Conference held in Melbourne in 2000. Committee Meetings were held at his home and there was always such a warm welcome and lovely supper to be had – those meetings were a lovely social occasion.

Neville was an excellent Vedic Astrologer and when he became involved in the Systems Approach and held classes I attended these and found him to be a great teacher who imparted his knowledge with great generosity. He also encouraged many of us to do Robert Zoller’s Traditional Astrology course – and graduation night at his home was memorable. As well as his astrological knowledge, his technology expertise was always available to us and for the support and work that both he and his wife, Georgie gave to the Victorian branch they were made Life Members of the VAA.

When Neville and Georgie moved to the Gold Coast we certainly missed them. Neville had the love of a good wife and his life was a happy one. He lived it to the full….and will be missed by those who knew him and loved him.

“Every man dies. Not every man really lives.”– William Ross Wallace

Barbara Thorp