2025 FAA Conference Speakers

The speakers at the 2025 FAA Conference will delve into a diverse and exciting array of topics within the realm of astrology!

Cameron Allen
Cameron Allen
Cameron is a practicing Astrologer and Herbalist that focuses on holistic health, predictive forecasting that enhances the present moment.
Brian Clark
Brian Clark
Brian Clark has been in private practice as an astrological consultant and educator for over forty years at astrosynthesis.com.au.
Babula Clement
Babula Clement
Babula Clement has been a professional astrologer for over 30 years and has a busy client practice based in Brisbane.
Frank Clifford
Frank Clifford
Frank has built an eclectic 35-year career as a consultant astrologer and palmist and is the writer of a dozen books.
Stormie Grace
Stormie Grace
Stormie Grace is a practicing astrologer with her own successful and entertaining show on YouTube where she interviews astrologers.
Margaret Gray
Margaret Gray
Margaret has been a consulting and teaching astrologer for over 30 years and is is a practicing psychotherapist.
Anita Ings
Anita Ings
Anita has a consulting practice, teaches astrology to the FAA Syllabus and lectures on astrology when time permits.
Marc Laurenson
Marc Laurenson
Marc has a thriving astrology consultation business and runs the popular Sydney Astrology School.
Glennys Lawton
Glennys Lawton
Glennys Lawton co-founded Astro*Synthesis in 1986 and is a regular lecturer at the FAA Conferences.
Michael Lutin
Michael Lutin
Michael is an astrologer, writer, journalist, motivational speaker, entertainer and performer.
Vanessa Montgomery
Vanessa Montgomery
Vanessa Montgomery of Astro All-Starz is a consulting astrologer, author, and resident celebrity astrologer at Glamour Magazine U.S.
Alice Portman
Alice Portman
Alice Portman has consulted and taught professionally for over 50 years and spoken at several FAA conferences.
Nadiya Shah
Nadiya Shah
Nadiya is an award-winning astrologer, author and media personality and holds an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination.
Chirone Shakti
Chirone Shakti
Chirone Shakti loves working with astrology: with clients, and helping students develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Chris Skidmore
Chris Skidmore
Chris Skidmore is a counseling astrologer in private practice in Bali, Indonesia. He is a PACFA registered psychotherapist as well as a biodynamic craniosacral therapist.
Lynne Smith
Lynne Smith
Lynne is a professional astrologer, teacher, writer and mentor based in Brisbane. She has been active in astrology for more than 25 years.
Daniel Sowelu
Daniel Sowelu
Daniel Sowelu (B.Sc, Dip.Ed) is a therapeutic and experiential astrologer in his 40th year of practice.
Zane Stein
Zane Stein
Zane has been involved with astrology since 1969 and specializes in the study of CHIRON, the largest comet in the solar system.
Kelly Surtees
Kelly Surtees
Kelly Surtees travels worldwide teaching practical and accessible astrology that combines traditional techniques with a modern mindset.
Kira Sutherland
Kira Sutherland
Kira Sutherland is an award-winning Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Medical Astrologer from Sydney Australia.
Patricia Walsh
Patricia Walsh
Combined with astrology, she specializes in healing work to release the soul’s potentials and is a a certified evolutionary astrologer.

Your 2025 FAA Conference Ticket Awaits…

Gain Enlightening, Astrological Wisdom, Cosmic Understanding, Celestial Insight